ALL PROGRAMS | Perimeter College Programs
nurse with patient

What does it cost?

Check out our cost calculator or visit student financial services for information on estimated costs.

63.4% of Perimeter College students receive financial assistance.

How long will it take?

The typical pathway requires 71 semester hours — 35 hours in core curriculum and 36 hours in pathway courses.

Where can I take classes?
Alpharetta, Clarkston, Decatur, Dunwoody, Newton, Online (some courses)

Am I required to take classes at a specific location?

Application Deadlines View Admissions Requirements

Fall Semester — Due by January 31
Spring Semester — Due by July 31
LPN-RN Bridge Summer track — Due by December 15

Nursing, A.S.

What Is Nursing?

Nursing is an art and a science. It is the art of knowing how to balance knowledge and compassion to give holistic care to individuals, families, groups and communities. As a science, nursing requires a wealth of knowledge and critical-thinking skills necessary to provide safe, effective, culturally competent medical care. The Perimeter College Department of Nursing became an administrative unit of the Georgia State University School of Nursing in 2016.

The associate degree path to nursing is now the Georgia State University School of Nursing Associate Degree Program, Perimeter College.

The associate degree courses continue to be housed at the same campus locations, and admissions standards and program costs remain the same.

For more information on the change, visit the School of Nursing website.


Students should consult with advisers to confirm availability of online courses and requirements or additional costs that may be associated with courses. Students should check with advisers about which campuses offer the courses they need. Typically, core courses required for pathways can be taken at most locations and online, while pathway-specific courses may require attendance at a particular location.
Pathway Details


New students are accepted into the Nursing Program through a special admissions procedure, which goes beyond admission into Georgia State University Perimeter College.

To be considered for acceptance in the Nursing Program, students must do the following:

  1. Apply for admission to Georgia State University Perimeter College. If you are a Georgia State Perimeter College student, you need not re-apply.) Students with college degrees or college credits must apply as a Transfer Student. If you have applied as another status you must change your status at the College Admissions Office.  Use the HOW TO APPLY BUTTON below to get started.  Students should indicate on the college application form that their major is Health Sciences Profession.
  2. Be accepted by Georgia State University Perimeter College. Courses from other institutions must be evaluate for transfer and posted.
  3. Complete at least one Biology course and lab listed under Nursing General Education. All Biology courses, listed under Nursing General Education, must be less than six years old at the time of enrollment in NURS 1921.
  4. Complete the TEAS exam. Contact ATI (Assessment Technologies Institute) to schedule the exam and purchase a study guide. Study guides are also available at the Georgia State University Perimeter College Clarkston Campus Bookstore. After completing the TEAS exam, contact ATI to have the scores sent to Georgia State University Perimeter College TEAS.
  5. Apply for admission to the Nursing Program. Students must apply and be accepted by Georgia State University Perimeter College. Students must finish at least one Biology course and lab listed under the Nursing General Education prior to applying to the Nursing Program. Students are encouraged to complete all general education courses prior to enrolling in the Nursing Program.

Admission to the Nursing Program is selective and competitive.

The following are the requirements to be considered for admission.

  • Eligibility for college-level English and math.
  • Cumulative GPA of 2.8 in courses listed under Nursing General Education.
  • Cumulative GPA of 3.0 for required biology courses listed under Nursing General Education.
  • Georgia State University Perimeter College minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and good standing with the college.
  • Passing score of 63 in the Adjusted Individual Total Score, and a score of 68 in the Reading, and a score of 68 in the Mathematics portions of the TEAS exam.
  • Academic and institutional history. (This requirement includes the following; repeated courses, number of attempts at the TEAS, number of withdrawals, number of “D” and “F” grades in other non-related courses; and violations of the Georgia State University Perimeter College Code of Conduct.)

Students who have failed or received a “D” in nursing courses within the last five years will not be considered for admission to the Georgia State University School of Nursing, Perimeter College Associate Degree Program.

This program offers a professional curriculum for those entering the field and an LPN to RN track for Licensed Practical Nurses who meet specific requirements and who complete NURS 1926, a special accelerated course, with a “C” or better.

Visit the catalog for a detailed description of the course requirements.

The career Nursing program leads to an Associate of Science degree in Nursing. The program is approved by the Georgia Board of Nursing and is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN). Graduates of this program are eligible to take the NCLEX examination for registered nurses. The curriculum is designed as a career program. Students who desire to continue their education may transfer credits to a number of institutions of higher learning.



One of the oldest and largest health professions, nursing is a critical component of patient care. As primary caregivers, nurses serve individuals, families and communities in medical practices, doctor’s offices, schools, long-term care, assisted living, rehabilitation, hospice and more. Registered nurses (RNs) are in high demand throughout the United States, and the need for nurses is projected to continue to grow.** ** Note: RNs without bachelor’s degrees may not hold supervisory positions.

Nurses practice in a variety of health settings, among them; medical, surgical, obstetrics, pediatrics, women’s health, psychiatry and community nursing. Settings include:

  • Classroom instruction
  • Community centers
  • Doctor’s offices
  • Educational facilities
  • Government/military settings
  • Home health care
  • Hospitals
  • Insurance companies
  • Medical equipment facilities
  • Nursing homes
  • Outpatient care facilities
  • Pharmaceutical companies

For potential job and salary information, visit the Bureau of Labor Statistics


For help with applying or admissions, please review our website, visit a campus office, or contact us at 404-413-2500.

Clarkston Campus

555 North Indian Creek Drive
Clarkston, GA 30021
FAX: 678-891-3870

The Nursing Program is approved by the Georgia Board of Nursing. Graduates of this program are eligible to take the NCLEX examination for Registered Nurses.

Office of the Secretary of State
Georgia Board of Nursing
237 Coliseum Drive, Macon, GA 31217

The Nursing program is also accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc. (ACEN)

Accrediting Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc.
3343 Peachtree Road. NE Suite 850
Atlanta, GA 30326
P: 404-975-5000 F: 404-975-5020

Perimeter College Logo140 Decatur Street SE
Atlanta, GA 30303

The information shared provides an overview of Georgia State’s offerings. For details on admissions requirements, tuition, courses and more, refer to the university catalogs.