ALL PROGRAMS | College of the Arts Programs

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How long will it take?

Minimum of 36 semester hours of graduate coursework must be completed over 2 years

Where will I take classes?

Application Timeline View Admissions Requirements

Admission for Fall

  • Final Application Deadline: March 15

Admission for Spring

  • November 15

Communication (Film/Video), M.A.

The graduate program in Film/Video/Digital Imaging prepares students for professional activities in all areas of film/video/digital imaging in which the school has emphasis (moving image studies), as well as for continued advanced graduate work at the Ph.D. level. Those in the Moving Image Studies track write research theses examining the problems in the theory and history of moving images. The M.A. track in Moving Image Studies can be pursued as an end in itself (for example, educators in English and the humanities who find themselves increasingly working with moving images in their disciplines), but is often the stepping stone for pursuing the doctorate.

The Moving Image Production emphasis of the MA degree remains a part of the School of Film, Media & Theatre but is primarily designed to support our Dual-Degree program. All applicants who are interested in filmmaking and who were not in the Dual-Degree program at Georgia State as an undergraduate are encouraged to apply to the Filmmaking concentration of the MFA degree in Digital Filmmaking.

Program Highlights


Students and Alumni

    • Caroline Rumley’s (M.A. ’18) thesis film, “The Ghost Behind” was accepted in the Documentary Short Film category and screened at the 2019 Sundance Film Festival.
    • Hemrani Vyas (M.A. ’16) is a TCM programmer
    • Lee Thomas (M.A. ’91) was named Georgian of the Year for her work as the deputy commissioner for the Georgia Film, Music & Digital Entertainment Office.
    • Tom Luse (B.A. ’74, M.S. ’81) was executive producer of AMC’s popular post-apocalyptic hit, ‘The Walking Dead.’ Read about Tom in Georgia Film Industry’s OZ Magazine.
    • Filmmaker Redelia Shaw (M.A. Film 2004) joined her fellow producers for the sold-out world premiere of “Cocaine Prison” at the Toronto International Film Festival 2017.
    • Atlanta Film Society director Chris Escobar (BA ’08 and MA’13) was named one of the Atlanta Business Chronicle’s “40 Under 40” by Atlanta Business Chronicle.
Program Details

To apply for the M.A. concentration in Film/Video/Digital Imaging, you will need:

  • statement of purpose
  • two letters of recommendation
  • CV or resume
  • GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • transcripts from previous universities, including the one that granted your B.A.
  • application fee.

The application does not require a creative sample, but if you would like to include (in your CV or statement of purpose) a link to your materials online, the graduate committee will take a look. Video material should not exceed 20 minutes in length.

Master of Arts (Research thesis option: minimum 36 hours)

  1. Three hours of core courses: FLME 6020.
  2. Twenty-one to twenty-seven hours of courses designated by the area of concentration.
  3. Up to six hours of coursework in related fields.
  4. Proficiency in a foreign language or approved research skill.
  5. Six hours of FLME 6990, thesis research.
  6. A successful prospectus defense.
  7. A research thesis.
  8. A successful research thesis defense.

Master of Arts (Creative thesis option: minimum 36 hours)

  1. Seven hours of core courses: FLME 6020 and FLME 6155.
  2. FLME 6135 (Digital Cinematography) and FLME 6145 (Digital Editing)
  3. Seventeen to twenty-six hours in Film and Media at the graduate level.
  4. Up to nine hours of coursework in related fields.
  5. Proficiency in a foreign language or approved research skill.
  6. Three hours of FLME 6990, thesis research
  7. A successful prospectus defense.
  8. A creative thesis project.
  9. A successful creative thesis defense.

Upon completion of the M.A. degree, our graduates are prepared to enter their chosen field with a level of analytical sophistication that distinguishes them as storytellers, researchers and collaborators. We routinely hear from our graduates that the lessons they learned at Georgia State University have helped them navigate their professional careers. Read our testimonials.



Our Moving Image Studies M.A. alumni have gone on to work in film, television and entertainment industries as producers, directors, writers and editors.  Many alumni can be found in management and leadership positions at film festivals, non-profit organizations, as well as research, academia and a variety of other exciting careers.

Please visit this map to learn more about our M.A. alumni.


Graduate Director
Ly Bolia
[email protected]

School of Film, Media & Theatre
25 Park Place, Suite 1016
Atlanta, GA 30303

College of the Arts Logo35 Broad St., 4th Floor
Atlanta, GA 30303

The information shared provides an overview of Georgia State’s offerings. For details on admissions requirements, tuition, courses and more, refer to the university catalogs.